- 引述 :『Indeed, the job search engine, announced the launch of a Salary Search tool. It basically allows you to enter in a job title description and a location (optional) to find "objective" and "current" salaries for jobs offered based on your search.』記得104好像也有類似的東西. 不過我想, 除非資料來源是稅捐處, 這種跟面子(不管個人或公司)有關的東西, 搜尋結果應該都要七折八扣才是實際值吧?( )
- Google這種公司最恐怖的就是他的縱效, 什麼功能都可以整在一起. 改天Calendar再推一個新功能, 可以直接點選開會地點看地圖也不算稀奇了...( )
- 引述 :『Internet media giant Yahoo Inc. said on Wednesday it had acquired Jumpcut, a site that provides simple-to-use online video-editing tools, its latest bid to enhance its Web video services offerings.』( )
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[2006/09/28] 今日大代誌
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回覆刪除直接點選地點看地圖已經有了啊... 英文版的,一推出就有了 (Where 欄位)
回覆刪除對耶. 我都沒注意到, 感謝提醒. :)